Managing Myopia with Ortho-K: A Complete Guide for Clearer Vision

Myopia, often referred to as nearsightedness, is a common vision condition affecting about 30% of the world's population.  where individuals can see close objects clearly but distant ones appear blurred. Ortho-K offers a safe and effective solution for individuals seeking an alternative to traditional methods of myopia correction.

What are the Causes and Symptoms of Myopia?

One of the primary factors contributing to myopia is genetics. If one or both parents have myopia, there is a higher chance that their children will develop it as well, however the exact cause of myopia is unknown. Additionally, certain lifestyle factors, such as not spending enough time outdoors, engaging in activities that require prolonged near vision, such as excessive screen time, and health conditions such as diabetes can also increase the risk of developing myopia.

The symptoms of myopia can vary from mild to severe and may include blurry vision, difficulty seeing distant objects clearly, eye strain, and headaches. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is essential to consult with an optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam to determine the extent of your myopia and discuss suitable management options.

The Importance of Myopia Management

Managing myopia is crucial not only for clear vision but also for the long-term health of your eyes. If left uncontrolled, myopia can progress rapidly, leading to higher levels of nearsightedness and an increased risk of developing eye conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal detachment later in life.

Early intervention and effective management of myopia can help slow down its progression, reducing the risks associated with high myopia. Myopia management strategies aim to control the elongation of the eyeball by reshaping the curvature of the cornea. By doing so, the risk of vision-threatening complications can be significantly reduced.

What is it Orthokeratology and How Does it Work?

Orthokeratology, commonly referred to as Ortho-K, is a non-surgical and reversible method of managing myopia. It involves the use of specially designed rigid gas permeable contact lenses that are worn overnight while you sleep. These lenses gently reshape the cornea, the front surface of the eye, temporarily correcting the vision blurriness and providing clear vision during the day without the need for glasses or contact lenses.

The process of Ortho-K begins with a comprehensive eye examination to determine your suitability for the treatment. If you are a good candidate, your optometrist will take detailed measurements of your eyes to design custom-made lenses specifically for your needs. Once you receive your Ortho-K lenses, you will be instructed on how to properly insert, remove, and care for them.

The Benefits of Ortho-K for Managing Myopia

Ortho-K offers several advantages for managing myopia, making it an attractive option for both children and adults. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Clear Vision Throughout the Day: With Ortho-K, you can enjoy clear vision without the need for glasses or daytime contact lenses. This is particularly beneficial for individuals involved in sports or other activities where wearing glasses may be inconvenient or pose a risk.
  • Slowing Down Myopia Progression: Ortho-K has been shown to effectively slow down the progression of myopia, especially in children. By controlling the elongation of the eyeball, Ortho-K can help reduce the likelihood of developing high levels of myopia and associated complications.
  • Non-Invasive and Reversible: Unlike surgical procedures such as LASIK, Ortho-K is a non-invasive treatment that does not permanently alter the structure of the eye. If you decide to discontinue Ortho-K, your cornea will gradually return to its original shape, and your myopia will revert.
  • Improved Self-confidence: For individuals who are self-conscious about wearing glasses or contact lenses, Ortho-K can provide a boost in self-confidence. Having clear vision without the need for visible corrective eyewear can enhance your overall appearance and self-esteem.
  • Convenience and Comfort: Ortho-K lenses are worn overnight, allowing you to experience clear vision throughout the day without the hassle of wearing glasses or contact lenses. They are also comfortable to wear, and most people adapt to them quickly.


Schedule a Consultation with Advance Vision Center of Optometry Today 

Managing myopia is essential for maintaining good vision and preventing potential complications. By understanding the causes and symptoms of myopia and the benefits of Ortho-K, you can make an informed decision about managing your myopia and enjoy clearer vision throughout the day.

For more information on Ortho-K or to determine if these lenses are the right solution for your visual needs, visit Advance Vision Center of Optometry at our office in San Jose, California. Please call (650) 651-5100 to book an appointment today.